Stories in mobile photography
It’s been a while since I got a new camera; if one does not count a few iPhones, I got in between. Phones are constantly improving and are always in our pockets. I can’t be grateful enough to my phone to capture those important and memorable moments in our short and exciting lives. Below is the last picture I was able to capture with my grandpa. I vividly remember our last conversation about my childhood and how we grew the rarest grape varieties together.
Phones have evolved in unimaginable ways since that moment. Computational photography is doing wonders that no one could imagine before.
The app eco-system on the iPhone is also pushing the limits of photography as never before with apps such as Halide, Darkroom, and many others. Having Lightroom on iPhone is transformative. It enables you to take digital darkroom on any trip right there with you. This image I updated and posted on my Instagram feed the same day.
No camera is more discrete than iPhone, allowing you to blend into the streets and take amazing street photography images. iPhone 11 Pro Max carries a 12MP chip with a 26 mm f/1.8 Full Frame equivalent lens. It is slightly wider but great for travel shooting.
iPhone will continue to accompany me on many of my future trips. The following image was taken during one of the recent nature hikes and viewed many times by fellow hikers on Google Maps.
Another image from my trip. I preferred using this image for my stories to another one I made with a DSLR. It is amazing how far AI-based bokeh advanced.
It is an exciting journey, and you are welcome to follow me on my Instagram @iphone__nomad.